by Nikki Brown | Oct 3, 2023 | Sustainable Living, Transport, Uncategorized
Transport for Greater Manchester has announced the launch of a new £830k grant programme to support the provision of cycle parking across the region. Grants are available up to a maximum of £15,000 for small businesses, community groups, NHS healthcare providers and...
by Nikki Brown | Sep 29, 2023 | Transport
Greater Manchester transport leaders have approved £2.55m for the delivery of a new cycling and walking bridge spanning the River Irwell in Radcliffe. The new structure, which will run adjacent to Rectory Lane, will replace an old footbridge previously damaged in the...
by Nikki Brown | May 9, 2023 | Transport
Residents across Greater Manchester are invited to have their say on the future of active travel in Greater Manchester as the Big Active Conversation continues in Tameside on Monday 5 June. The GM Big Active Conversation is a series of quarterly stakeholder...
by Nikki Brown | Feb 15, 2023 | Transport
Community organisations across Greater Manchester can now apply for an exciting initiative to help inspire more people to walk, cycle or wheel in their area. ‘Cycle and Stride for Active Lives’ is a Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) community resource that aims...
by Nikki Brown | Feb 15, 2023 | Transport
The default speed limit on roads in Manchester is set to be reduced to 20mph in a bid to make walking and cycling safer in the city. Manchester city council’s new active travel strategy also aims to cut 40mph speed limits to 30mph by 2028. Manchester City Centre has...