by Nikki Brown | May 4, 2023 | Transport
Transport for Greater Manchester’s bike library scheme is already boosting people’s access to cycling with 29 libraries currently funded across the city-region. The libraries allow people to borrow a bike, with the aim of encouraging people to take advantage...
by Nikki Brown | Mar 7, 2023 | Sustainable Living
In celebration of National Walking Month of May, The GM Walking Festival 2023 is an opportunity for people to walk more by joining in with a programme of free, organised group walks across Greater Manchester right through from 1st – 31st May. Joining the festival...
by Nikki Brown | Feb 15, 2023 | Transport
Community organisations across Greater Manchester can now apply for an exciting initiative to help inspire more people to walk, cycle or wheel in their area. ‘Cycle and Stride for Active Lives’ is a Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) community resource that aims...
by Nikki Brown | Feb 15, 2023 | Transport
The default speed limit on roads in Manchester is set to be reduced to 20mph in a bid to make walking and cycling safer in the city. Manchester city council’s new active travel strategy also aims to cut 40mph speed limits to 30mph by 2028. Manchester City Centre has...
by Nikki Brown | Feb 2, 2023 | Transport
New ‘cycle stores’ which will enable Tameside children to ride their bikes to school and store them safely have been officially opened by Active Travel Commissioner, Dame Sarah Storey. Arlies Primary School and Silver Springs Primary Academy in Stalybridge are the...