Image source: gmwalking.co.uk
In celebration of National Walking Month of May, The GM Walking Festival 2023 is an opportunity for people to walk more by joining in with a programme of free, organised group walks across Greater Manchester right through from 1st – 31st May.
Joining the festival celebrates the joy and benefits of walking across all boroughs of Greater Manchester and provides an opportunity to raise awareness of regular walking as a means to contribute to personal, community or system outcomes.
Celebrating the joy of walking and being outside, the festival will bring together neighbours, friends, employees and communities and encourage participants to have fun, discover, and re-discover, the joy of the walking journey. The Greater Manchester Walking Festival encourages people to get out, discover new places, make new connections and perhaps learn new things.
It’s a chance for community and charity organisations to shine a spotlight on existing work and initiatives, maximising the reach and bringing people together. For businesses, joining the GM Walking Festival can help improve the physical, emotional and mental health of employees and unite teams by creating a positive working environment.
To support the planning of walks, businesses and community organisations can apply for a small grant.
The ‘Let’s Walk Fund’ has been designed to support walk organisers to deliver a walk as part of the GM Walking Festival 2023 from 1st-31st May while helping to sustain the opportunity beyond May.
Grants are for a maximum of £100. Please note there are a limited number of grants available and we anticipate demand exceeding supply.
Festival organisers are looking for simple, innovative ideas that will attract walkers as part of the GM Walking Festival throughout May and enable walk organisers to sustain the offer beyond May.
To apply:
- Your organisation must have a bank account with 2 signatories.
- You agree to contribute to a case study to share the impact of the grant.
Examples of things that could be included in an application for Let’s Walk Funding’.
- Tea and coffee either on the go from a local cafe or refreshments after the walk, sufficient for 6 weeks of walks.
- Support for transport costs to remove access barriers for participants.
- Wellies in early years settings, enabling ALL children to participate.
- Print costs of maps, posters, and resources.
- Pedometers to encourage self-challenge for groups or workplaces.
GM Walking provide the infrastructure, comms and support to create awareness of something all walks through stories and sharing experiences in hopes to create a social movement and momentum.
Support sessions
If you want to find out more about the grant application process or require support completing the application below, please book onto a GM Walking Festival Zoom Support session where you can speak directly to a member of the GM Walking Festival team.
Date and Time: Wednesday 8th March 2023 4.30-5.00 pm
(with 15 additional minutes for those who wish to stay on and ask any questions)
To book a place email philippa@greatersport.co.uk
Find more information here.
The deadline to submit a walk is 24 March,
The deadline to apply for the small pot of funding to support a walk is 15 March.